Got wood for charcoal?

Dear Etienne, 

What is better for braaing in general, wood or charcoal? 

Yours in braaing


Hey Joe,

Wood adds a customizable smoky flavor, while charcoal gets really hot, creates its own steam, and gives a nice sear to the meat. Wood is more environmentally friendly, especially hardwoods like sekelbos, rooikraans, mopane, and camelthorn/kameeldoring, which retain heat well and allow for more cooking. On the other hand, charcoal can be messy, difficult to control the temperature, and has negative environmental impacts. Some experts suggest combining wood and charcoal to get the best of both worlds. 

Ultimately, it’s a matter of personal preference and experimentation to find your own braaing style. Just watch up for that kak wood at your local garage, rather chat to a professional.

Groete, Etienne