Soutie and the steak

Dear Etienne, I dig a bit of salt on my steak when braaing. When’s the ideal time to salt it? Brian Howsit Brian, Eish, here’s the deal with salting your steak, my bru. Three lekker times to do it: Now,…
Dear Etienne, I dig a bit of salt on my steak when braaing. When’s the ideal time to salt it? Brian Howsit Brian, Eish, here’s the deal with salting your steak, my bru. Three lekker times to do it: Now,…
Dear Etienne, What is better for braaing in general, wood or charcoal? Yours in braaing Joe Hey Joe, Wood adds a customizable smoky flavor, while charcoal gets really hot, creates its own steam, and gives a nice sear to the…